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一个应用可能已经使用对象存储(Object Storage Service,简称OSS)来存放用户上传的图片,用户可以实现一个函数去下载图片进行处理,并将结果存入OSS或者其他服务。如果OSS能够帮助我们关注新上传的图片,并且自动的去调用执行相应的处理函数,用户就不需要再去自己调用函数了,从而简化了开发和使用流程。
函数计算提供了一种事件驱动的计算模型。函数的执行是由事件驱动的,函数计算触发器描述了一组规则,当某个事件满足这些规则,事件源就会触发相应的函数。在本教程示例中,一个被存入OSS的文件,如果它是以source/为前缀,并且后缀是.gz .tar .zip的文件,那么OSS就会自动的调用相应的函数进行解压处理。
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-import oss2, jsonimport gzipimport tarfile import zipfileimport osimport cStringIO# This template code can decompress the following three types of compression files.#.gz .tar .zip # if you want uncompress rar or for more info# please refer to https://yq.aliyun.com/articles/468050?spm=a2c4e.11153959.teamhomeleft.1.1534d3c20HYMx5def handler(event, context): """ The object from OSS will be decompressed automatically . param: event: The OSS event json string. Including oss object uri and other information. param: context: The function context, including credential and runtime info. For detail info, please refer to https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/56316.html#using-context """ evt_lst = json.loads(event) creds = context.credentials # Required by OSS sdk auth=oss2.StsAuth( creds.access_key_id, creds.access_key_secret, creds.security_token) evt = evt_lst['events'][0] bucket_name = evt['oss']['bucket']['name'] endpoint = 'oss-' + evt['region'] + '.aliyuncs.com' bucket = oss2.Bucket(auth, endpoint, bucket_name) object_name = evt['oss']['object']['key'] """ When a source/ prefix object is placed in an OSS, it is hoped that the object will be decompressed and then stored in the OSS as processed/ prefixed. For example, source/a.zip will be processed as processed/a/... "Source /", "processed/" can be changed according to the user's requirements. """ newKey = object_name.replace("source/", "processed/") remote_stream = bucket.get_object(object_name) if not remote_stream: raise RuntimeError('failed to get oss object. bucket: %s. object: %s' % (bucket_name, object_name)) print 'download object from oss success: {}'.format(object_name) file_type = os.path.splitext(object_name)[1] if file_type == ".gz": data = cStringIO.StringIO(remote_stream.read()) newKey = newKey.strip()[:-3] with gzip.GzipFile(mode = 'rb', fileobj = data) as f: r_data = f.read() bucket.put_object(newKey, r_data) elif file_type == ".tar": data = cStringIO.StringIO(remote_stream.read()) with tarfile.TarFile(mode = 'r', fileobj = data) as tar: newKey.replace(".tar", "") names = tar.getnames() for name in names: r = tar.extractfile(name) if r: # filter folder bucket.put_object(newKey + name, r.read()) r.close() elif file_type == ".zip": data = cStringIO.StringIO(remote_stream.read()) with zipfile.ZipFile(data,"r") as zip_file: newKey.replace(".zip", "") for name in zip_file.namelist(): file = zip_file.open(name) r_data = file.read() if r_data: # filter folder bucket.put_object(newKey + name, r_data) file.close()
rar 这种格式如果用python,需要依赖第三方module和二进制文件,附件提供代码下载